FJSL League Bio .................................................................................................................................................................1
FJSL Baseball Covid-19 Operational Plan .........................................................................................................................1
Return-to-Play Guidelines ...................................................................................................................................................1
Foundational .......................................................................................................................................................................2
Facility Guidelines ...............................................................................................................................................................3
Practice & Training Guidelines ..........................................................................................................................................3
General Recommendations ...............................................................................................................................................3
Parents/Guardians .............................................................................................................................................................4
Coaches ..............................................................................................................................................................................4
Umpires ...............................................................................................................................................................................4
Game play Guidelines ..........................................................................................................................................................5
Cleaners/Disinfectants/Wipes ...........................................................................................................................................5
Screening Questionnaire for COVID-19 ..............................................................................................................................6
Emergency Response Plan .................................................................................................................................................7
COVID-10 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (ERP) ..............................................................................................................9
Communication flow chart .................................................................................................................................................9
Appendix A .........................................................................................................................................................................10
Contact Tracing Log for Organization ..............................................................................................................................10

Fergie Jenkins Showcase League is named after the first Canadian baseball player inducted into the MLB Hall of Fame with Fergie Jenkins as its founding chair. Fergie Jenkins is a recipient of the Order of Canada and the second living Canadian honored on a postage stamp.
The league was launched in the summer of 2012, to showcase talented elite baseball players for them to make it to the next level. The FJSL league plays a summer schedule that enables their players the opportunity to gain exposure to Canadian and American Colleges/Universities with the opportunity of playing baseball professionally.
In addition to the summer schedule, the league also runs a fall schedule. We have 65 teams/over 900 players in our league, ranging from 9-year-olds to 18-year-olds. Our organizations are located throughout Ontario; Welland, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Simcoe, Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Toronto, Vaughn, Barrie, Ajax, Clarington, Belleville, Kingston, Ottawa.
A portion of each team's registration fee is donated to the Fergie Jenkins Foundation which supports several charities.
FJSL remains committed to the safety of its members. While we love baseball and are all looking forward to the game of baseball to return, the welfare of our participants must not be compromised. What you will read below is a guideline that we have put together to advise our members of how we see the return to play happening. FJSL is committed to a 2020 summer season when we receive permission from our Provincial Government and will adhere to the recommendations from our health authorities and the guidelines set forth by the Minister of Sports and Minister of Health Ontario.
We will continue to update this document as our situation continues to evolve. The most up to date document can be found at www.fjslbaseball.com
These Return to Play Guidelines are required to be in place and executed in full to start up any organized baseball activities by order of the Province of Ontario and must be followed as outlined. Non-compliance can lead to the removal of facility access through the municipality in which you offer baseball programming, by-law fines, or even provincial health officers order to cease activity.
This revised plan was approved by the Board of Directors of FJSL on July 20th, 2020.
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All participants, volunteers, and parents must always adhere to all municipal Covid-19 Operational plans when using fields and facilities operated by the municipality. Guidelines are subject to change due to the order of the Provincial Department of Health, Sport and Recreation Branch, Sports Ontario, and other provincial or federal agencies. FJSL reserves the right to suspend all sanctioned activities if deemed necessary as per the Board of Directors.
• All requirements will be applied to all age categories and playing divisions.
• Prior to arriving at the field, all participants must answer all questions in the Screening Questionnaire for COVID- 19 found on page 6.
• Upon arrival at the facility, all participants must answer any questions or self-monitoring procedures as provided by the municipality prior to their activity.
• No sharing of water bottles.
• No sharing of food of any kind.
• No spitting.
• No chewing gums.
• No sunflower seeds.
• No sharing of personal helmets.
• No sharing of catcher’s masks.
• No sharing of any other personal equipment.
• No high fives or physical contact between players
• Each team is to provide to their dugout, hand sanitizer, sanitizing bottle/sprays or wipes.
• If possible, or if required by the facility operator, hand sanitizer should be available for all players and coaches during practice/games.
• Players and Coaches should sanitize hands at all reasonable opportunities. (During water breaks, between innings)
• All participants to disinfect their equipment after each event.
• All uniforms or clothing to be washed after each event.
• All participants to shower at the first opportunity after each event.
• No sharing of personal items like phones, wallets, etc.
• Ridesharing to be discouraged whenever possible. Click here to consult provincial guidelines for ridesharing.
• Masks are permitted but not mandatory.
• No extended contact, keeping contact incidental
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• Modified dugout use. Athletes must be set up outside of the dugout with physical distancing requirements adhered to. A maximum of 3 people allowed in the dugout at one time.
• Players must bring a folding chair, to create an auxiliary bench.
• Players must refrain from roaming around.
• Field allotments will need to be modified to allow for all events to stay under the provincial mandated social gathering limits. It is suggested that you move to 1.5 times the traditional allotment window.
• Parent or guardian must always adhere to physical distancing guidelines. And will adhere to the provincial guidelines for gathering numbers. Field numbers will not exceed the municipal guidelines.
• No use of bleachers. Parents/Guardians wishing to sit, and watch must bring their own chair and have it placed a minimum of 6 feet from other spectators based on municipal guidelines.
• No gathering around the park until your scheduled start time (please wait in your car). Athletes must leave the park immediately after the practice or game.
• Washrooms use to be in conjunction with the operational plan of the facility operator.
• No changing or dressing rooms permitted.
• All Foundational and Facility requirements to be met as outlined above.
• Team huddles must be conducted using physical distancing. Players and coaches must not come within 6 feet of each other during huddles.
• All drills to be created and implemented ensuring social distancing requirements are met.
• No dugout use permitted.
• Maximum 2 persons/per player as a guide, but municipal guidelines and individual park rules could change this. (this means 1 player+2 of his personal spectators, at no time can a player and his persons can exceed 3)
• Teams to be provided guideline information prior to game day if numbers are more limited then above based on their park rules.
• Hosting team must be responsible for ensuring that the visiting team is provided park guidelines.
• At no point will a baseball event exceed the number of attendees (including players, coaches, umpires, association officials, volunteers, parents, and other family members) noted as the maximum number by the Province of Ontario, or any relevant municipality or public health authority. The number of participants involved should be reviewed and kept down to the absolute essential (e.g. Team members, Officials, Umpires, Event staff,
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Volunteers, etc.) Limit the number of non-participants attending (limit siblings, parents, extended family, friends, etc.
• No operation of the canteen, food, or beverage services or team barbecues.
• Protocols to disinfect, after every use, team, and personal gear (catchers and umpires) need to be in place. Bats, balls, masks, can be wiped with disinfectant wipes or sprayed with disinfectant cleaning solution. All discussion or coaching through any means to include reminders to players regarding social distancing, no spitting, no face touching, no contact between the athletes.
• Players, coaches, and umpires will be permitted to wear a mask but not mandatory.
• Complete screening questionnaire prior to leaving home for participation found on page 5.
• Parents are asked to constantly remind players of the importance of physical distancing, no spitting, no face touching, and no contact between athletes such as high fives or handshakes at this time.
• Parents are to arrive at the field with the athletes at the designated start time and wait for the field to be clear before allowing the athlete to leave the car
• Carpooling should be discouraged whenever possible. If required, please consult provincial guidelines.
• Make sure all players have completed the screening questionnaire prior to participation each day
• Ensure all procedures as set in place by the municipality are followed
• Always maintain physical distance from players and remind players to adhere to physical distancing guidelines
• Conduct team huddles and teaching moments in a setting that adheres to physical distancing
• Remind players not to spit, chew gum, eat seeds
• Remind players not to make physical contact
• Responsible for game balls
• Retrieve bats and sanitize grips (or as someone handling this for them)
• Coaches must always keep a safe social distance from their players (this includes coaching moments, a player on 1st base and 3rd base; dugouts and leaving the fields)
• If a player needs to be approached due to an injury, a coach must put on a mask.
• Umpires must complete the Screening questionnaire prior to coming to every scheduled day.
• Modified positioning, no umpire behind home plate currently.
• Umpires will not be responsible to touch or handle a baseball at any point during the game.
• Umpires will not approach players or coaches at any point in time.
• Work with coaches to ensure they cover all the above requirements.
All Foundational and Facility requirements to be met as outlined above.
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• No plate meeting to exchange lineup cards.
• Line up cards need to be exchanged between coaches prior to the game.
• No mound visits by the catcher and/or coach.
• A coach will not be required to go to the mound to make a pitching change. Change can be made by calling time and signaling a pitching change to the umpire.
• No leaving the dugout to argue a call or ruling by an umpire. Leaving the dugout to address an umpire will result in immediate ejection from the game. Coaches would also be subject to suspension. More information on these guidelines to come.
• No postgame handshakes.
• Umpires will not be responsible to touch or handle a baseball at any point during the game.
• Each team will provide 3-5 game balls and be responsible for their own baseballs during the game. The team in the field will provide one coach who will be responsible to throw a ball into the pitcher if a ball is hit out of play. The team in the field will be responsible for sending someone to retrieve the ball that was hit out of play. Spectators are to be discouraged from touching the baseball when it is out of play. The ball should only be retrieved by the designated player or team personnel from the team on defense.
• Baseballs are to be sanitized between each inning.
• The coach/person responsible for sanitization will be required to retrieve the bat if the batter reaches base. The bat is to be picked up by the barrel and wiped down or sprayed before being placed against the fence or being used by another player.
• A maximum of 3 people allowed in the dugout at any time. This does not include the on-deck batter. The purpose of allowing athletes in the dugout is to promote place of play. Athletes should cycle through the dugout in conjunction with the batting order to keep the game moving. People inside dugout must always maintain 6 feet of separation.
• In-game tag plays are allowed, but the defensive player should vacate the area as soon as reasonably possible following the tag.
• Leadoffs and stealing are permitted.
Commonly used cleaners and disinfectants are effective against COVID-19. Only use products that are approved by Health Canada that confirms it is approved to be used in Canada. Check the expiry dates of your product and ensure if using wipes that they do not dry up. They stop being effective at this point.
• Have chemicals that kill most germs.
• Have combined cleaners and disinfectants in the solution.
• Where possible use pre-mixed solutions.
• Wear gloves when handling cleaning products and wipes (PPE gloves not batting gloves ).
• Wear any other personal protective equipment recommended by the manufacturer.
• Wear possible use soap and water and if not use a hand sanitizer proven to kill germs.
• Cleaning/sanitization products will not be used by or stored within the access of young children.
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You can access all the up to date information by visiting the Ontario Ministry of Health’s website:
If you have 2 or more of the following symptoms, stay home, self-isolate and call:
• Fever or signs of a fever (such as chills)
• New cough or worsening of a chronic cough
• Sore throat
• Headache
• Runny nose
• New onset of fatigue
• New onset of muscle pain
• Diarrhea
• Loss of taste or smell
If you answer YES to any of the following, then you must stay home and self-isolate for 14 days. If you develop symptoms, please refer to the self-assessment link on the Government of Ontario webpage.
• Have you had close contact within the last 14 days with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
• Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19?
• Have you returned from travel outside of Canada and any Provinces with restrictions within the last 14 days?
• Have you been told my public health that you may have been exposed to COVID-19?
• Follow public health advice if you are waiting for testing results for COVID-19
https://covid‐19. ontario.ca/self‐assessment/
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A specific COVID-19 Emergency Response plan will need to be developed. This will serve as mandatory risk management told to allow for the proper environmental assessment and care of your participants on and off the field of play who may have been tested positive for COVID-19
The luxury of time to respond is not available. Whenever it is practical or appropriate, the ERP should be prepared in alignment with the local health authorities and other trained health care personnel associated within your organization. Assign key roles to individuals that will be present during team events, like a COVID-19 Lead or the Team Manager. Ensure that he or she is aware of the procedures.
The following page will outline the key roles and responsibilities in your organization during the pandemic phase.
• Pre‐pandemic Phase: This is the critical phase for COVID-19 pandemic preparedness. This phase is NOW, and planning efforts need to focus on the education of your membership (players, parents, officials, staff, volunteers) on the protocols. Please ensure that the Return to Play Protocols complies with the Province of Ontario emergency orders ad health authority directives. In addition, facilities should be included in this phase, as they may have additional plans and procedures in place.
• Positive Test Phase: Confirmation of a COVID-19 positive text within your baseball organization will declare when it is time to activate your COVID-19 Action Plan. During this phase, the key goals will be to prevent further infections within your organization and minimize program disruption. This phase remains active until the infected party has been isolated and under the control of professional health authorities and there is no further threat to the health and safety of your baseball organization’s participants.
• Post‐Pandemic Phase: The post-pandemic period begins when the Provincial Health Officer declares that the COVID-19 pandemic is over. The primary focus of work at this time is to restore normal services, deactivate the pandemic response activities, review the impact, and use the lessons learned to guide future emergency response planning.
You will need to name an ERP Lead (Emergency response plan Lead), within your organization that will be responsible for communication during Phases 1 and 2. Next will outline the steps that must be followed:
Pre‐Pandemic Activities‐ responsibility of the Board of Directors and the ERP lead
• Determine COVID-19 ERP lead
• Create the ERP for COVID-19 or add to existing ERP and include a section on pandemics
• Implement the Return to Play protocols
• Educate all internal leaders of the ERP procedures
• Create a flow Chart for communication
• Ensure everyone signs a COVID-19 waiver that is playing or involved with the team/organization events
• Follow up with your local municipalities in-regard to their COVID-19 procedures and what they expect from your organization prior to teams hitting the fields
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Positive Test phase‐ a responsibility of the ERP Lead
• Communication System, which is consistent with the Federal and Provincial-Territorial Privacy Regulations, acts, and laws. Coaches, staff, officials, and families of players will self-report to a single point of contact, also known as the ERP lead, if:
1. They have symptoms of COVID-19, or
2. A positive test for COVID-a9 is recorded, or
3. Were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days.
The ERP Lead will:
• Assign 1 person/team manager per team, who will be the point of contact at team games.
• Advise Sick Individuals to Stay Home; Sick Coaches, staff members, officials, or players should not return until they are well enough based on Public Health Agency of Canada and Provincial Health Authority guidelines.
• Will control the isolation and the transport of who is sick.
• Will make sure that coaches, staff, officials, players, and families know that sick individuals should not attend any team/organization activity and that they should notify officials if they (staff) or their child (families) become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone that is exposed to, suspected of or confirmed with COVID-19 symptoms.
• Will ensure that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms at a team/organization event id immediately separated and isolated. Individuals who are sick should go home or to a healthcare facility, depending on how severe their symptoms. They must contact their Physician and follow Health Agency guidance for caring for oneself and others who are sick. Individuals who have had close contact with a person who has symptoms should be separated and sent home as well.
• Will establish procedures for safely transporting anyone who is sick to their home or to a healthcare facility.
• Will have parent contact information readily available
• If an ambulance, please alert them that the person may have COVID-19
• Will ensure that someone is cleaning and disinfecting the areas that were used by the sick person.
• Will contact the local health officials and close contacts while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
Close Contacts include:
~ Organization staff/volunteers
~ Officials
~ Families of other players
~ Organization Board members
~ League Director who will notify the opposing organization
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The Emergency Response Plan Lead should work closely with the local officials to develop a reposting system to notify health officials and close contacts of cases of COVID-19. The Provincial and Territorial Health agencies and their Contact Tracing procedures will be responsible for advising those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 and determine whether someone should stay home and self-monitor for symptoms. Members of the organization should continue to self-monitor for symptoms as well.
Post‐pandemic Phase‐Action and Communications
• Confirm Provincial Health Officer has declared the COVID-19 pandemic is over
• Send official written notice to your organization that the pandemic is officially over
• Notify the director of your league, who will communicate with the opposing organization

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Team Name:___________________________________ Organization:__________________________________
All players, coaches, volunteers, and parents/guardians who drop off their children must be included in the log. The log can be electronic or completed on-site by a responsible adult.
The information on this document is being collected to assist in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. This information will be kept in a safe and secure location and will only be provided to Ontario Health Services upon request if it required for contact tracing purposes.
The above team and organization will not use this information for any other purpose and will destroy this record after six weeks.
Under Privacy Regulations, you have a right to access and correct any information we hold about you.

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